5 thoughts on “April 29, 2015

  1. The reason that nixon resigned was Watergate. He had hired “plumbers” to keep the leaks from office under control. They had worked on investigating Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers in order to discredit him so that the people would still trust government and much more. One of their jobs was to make sure Nixon would win. To ensure this, the plumbers put a bug in the Democratic party’s conference room and they got caught. Instead of firing everyone, Nixon decided to cover up his mistake and just erases from the directory the names of the plumbers. He even got the CIA go to FBI to tell them to back off, which is obstruction of justice. Eventually the plumbers were on trial, and began to tell all. There was also a person known as “deep throat” that gave clues to how to prove Nixon’s mistake, like the tapes from Nixon’s office.


  2. Nixon’s presidency came to an end after the Watergate scandal. The term “Watergate” was previously used to describe an office-apartment complex that exists in Washington D.C. The scandal composed of seven burglars who wanted to wire tap into phones and steal documents. They ended up being caught red-handed and were eventually linked to Nixon’s re-election campaign. Although Nixon never admitted to being involved with them, he did attempt to cover up the incident with “hush money”. Nixon was then accused of being guilty by his own administration, with the White House counsel accusing him of “recording every conversation that has happened in the Oval Office”. Nixon resigned a few weeks later from his presidency and was never officially impeached.


  3. The Watergate scandal ultimately lead to Nixon’s resignation. Two people broke into the DNC building in Washington DC and tried to place audio recorders to get inside information on the opposing party. They were caught by a security guard, and the events escalated when the two that broke in were at trial. The courts tried to retrieve tapes from the White House, but noticed that there were segments of audio missing from the tapes. Nixon tried to get the CIA to tell the FBI to back off from the investigation, but this lead to the bureau thinking that more people were involved. The Washington Post launched the famous investigation into the scandal that ended with Nixon resigning from office before he could be impeached. By trying to cover up the scandal rather than approach and punish those who broke into the DNC building, Nixon appeared to play a part in the event.


  4. Nixon eventually resigned from the Oval office on August 8, 1974 due to the Watergate scandal. In the early 70’s, Nixon hired men to break in to the Democratic National Headquarters at the Watergate office complex to steal information that would help Nixon in his reelection campaign, but the men were caught. Nixon tried to coverup the scandal which led to the events of the tapes being brought into trial, and the U.S. Congress knew Nixon was taking part in illegal activities. Nixon committed having given “hush-money” for his attendants to stay quiet, but he was later on the way to becoming impeached. Instead of being the second United States President in history to become impeached, he resigned, and was later pardoned by his succeeder, President Gerald Ford.


  5. The ultimate reason behind President Nixon’s resignation was the Watergate scandal. Essentially Nixon claimed that he knew nothing about the break in at the Watergate complex in Democratic offices and had not authorized the Watergate break-in. That maybe so, but it became clear that he had participated in the cover-up, he had denied involvement in that as well, but those denials were not believed. Impeachment procedings began and went to the Senate as the constitution requires and eventually it was evident that Nixon would not have the support of enough Senators to defeat the motion, so rather and wait to be impeached and then thrown out of office, he chose to resign.


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